About Us

About Our Company


Headquartered in Thilafushi, Maldives, GRT Pvt Ltd was conceived in 2012 in response to serious environmental and health concerns surrounding unmanageable quantities of used cooking oil that was polluting our eco system. Careless disposal of waste oil into drainage systems, onto land or to watercourses is an offence. Because of the way oil spreads, even a small quantity can cause a lot of harm. It can harm sea birds, fish and other wildlife. Although oil breaks down in water, the process uses up vast amounts of oxygen that would have remained in the waterways for wildlife.

GRT is a privately held, limited liability company formed to solve this pollution problems but also to bring renewable energy alternatives to Maldivians who value preserving our natural environment and strengthening our energy security. The company identifies, develops and commercializes new and emerging technologies, and alternative fuels and is recognized as a pioneer of Maldives renewable energy.

As our Certified Green Partner, you are making a positive environmental and sustainable contribution to your community. Our Green Partner service team will ensure that you never have to worry about your used cooking oil again.

Vision & Mission

The Mission of GRT is twofold:

First part is to preserve our environment and protect the sea life by raising people awareness. Environmental education will make us aware about the environmental problems and will equip us with knowledge to overcome these problems.

Second, to create truly sustainable, community-based biodiesel production facilities that incorporate feedstock usage, fuel processing and product distribution within localized geographic areas in order to maximize the economic and environmental benefits and minimize energy consumption.

Mission Statement: GRT will become the largest producer of high quality biodiesel in the Maldives, to meet the growing regional demand for biodiesel in electricity production and transportation fuels, to provide energy security and to promote environmental responsibility.

Management Team

Umar Naseer - Chairman
Marko Piplovic - Managing Director
Moosa Shafeeu - Technical Director
Mohamad Shareef - Technical Director
Marko Markovic - Maintenance Officer

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